Can an Employer in California Deny a Workers’ Compensation Claim because an Employee was Drunk?

A worker who is injured on the job in California has the right to claim no-fault benefits. He or she is covered even if the employer did nothing wrong. With that being said, employers do have certain workers’ compensation defense options. An employer has the right to deny a workers’ compensation claim if the employee’s injury was caused by their own intoxication. Within this blog post, our Fresno workers’ compensation defense law firm discusses the key points to understand about denying a workers’ compensation claim on the grounds that an employee was intoxicated.

Know the Law: Intoxication Workers’ Compensation Defense in California

Employee intoxication is a valid defense against a workers’ compensation claim in California. Under Labor Code § 3600(a)(4), an injury to a worker is only compensable if it is not caused by the employee being under the influence of alcohol or illegal intoxicating substances. A work injury claim can be defended on the grounds of intoxication. The defense emphasizes the importance of workplace safety—and also the responsibility of employees to remain sober while on the job.

Proving Intoxication is Not Sufficient: Must Be a Contributing Factor to Injury

If an employee is intoxicated and gets injured at work in California, are they automatically ineligible for workers’ compensation benefits? California courts have ruled that the answer is “no.” Instead, a successful Labor Code § 3600(a)(4) defense requires an employer to demonstrate the worker’s intoxication was either the proximate cause or a substantial contributing factor to their harm.

In other words, employers must prove more than mere intoxication. Instead, they must demonstrate the intoxication was a substantial contributing factor to the injury. A successful defense requires evidence that the employee’s impaired state directly influenced the occurrence of the accident. These cases should be thoroughly investigated.

Burden of Proof Rests on the Employer

In denying a workers’ compensation claim on the grounds of employee intoxication, an employer—or insurance company—should be prepared to prove the validity of the defense with a preponderance of evidence. As California is a no-fault workers’ compensation state, the defense has the burden of proof. They must establish that it is more likely than not true that the employee was intoxicated and that his or her intoxication was the proximate or substantial cause of the accident. Employers in California can strengthen their case by documenting the circumstances of the incident, collecting witness statements, and ensuring accurate and timely drug and alcohol testing.

Get Help From Our Fresno, CA Workers’ Compensation Defense Law Firm Today

At Yrulegui & Roberts, our Fresno workers’ compensation defense law firm provides aggressive and solutions-focused legal advocacy. We represent employers and insurance carriers. If you have any questions about denying a workers’ compensation claim on the grounds of employee intoxication, please do not hesitate to contact us today. Our firm provides workers’ compensation defense representation in Fresno, Bakersfield, Sacramento, Pasadena, and throughout the region.